Vocal Hygiene - What to know and How To Do It
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Vocal Hygiene: refers to daily habits and behaviors (good and bad) some of which may be harming your voice.
Follow the HIPE Method to remember how: Hydration, Irritants, Phonotrauma, Exercise
Hydration - Increase
Benefits of Hydration:
- Hydrated vocal folds vibrate with less effort
- Hydrated vocal folds are more resistant to injury at high vibration dosages
- If you have to speak loudly for a long time, STAY WELL HYDRATED!
Sources of Dehydration:
Environmental sources of dehydration (lack of moisture in the air we breath)
- Dehumidified air (Dry air)
- furnace/winter
- Dry climates
- Mouth Breathing
Systemic Dehydration (lack of water in your body)
- Substances that affect the fluid
- Caffeine, alcohol
- Antihistamines
- Diuretics
- Sweating without fluid replacement
Maintain Adequate Hydration (Intrinsically and Extrinsically):
INTRINSIC (Systemic) - anything you ingest
- DRINK WATER (½ oz of water per pound of body weight)
- Drink juices or decaffeinated beverages (tea)
- Eat WET SNACKS - fruit, veggies, etc.
- Avoid Caffeinated beverages and alcohol
- Drink more water to compensate for intake
- Everything in Moderation!
- Use Steam inhalation
- Personal Steamer, Shower Steam, Inhale steaam from hot tea
- Cough drops to increase moisture in mouth and throat (avoid mint and menthol based, can be irritating)
- Saline Nasal Sprays
- Saline Nebulizer
- OTC dry mouth remedies
Irritants - Decrease
- Avoid smoking/second hand smoke
- Avoid places with excessive dust or mold
- Avoid Pollen/Manage Allergies (as recommended by your MD)
- Manage Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) (as recommended by MD)
- Reduce eating spicy foods, fatty foods, acidic foods, alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, etc
- Don’t lay down right after eating (allow 3-4 hr to digest)
- Wear loose fitting clothing
- Drink water
Phonotrauma - Decrease
- Avoid speaking too loudly for long periods of time
- Maintain comfortable volume and pitch when speaking
- Avoid Excessive or harsh coughing, throat clearing (Bovine Cough)
- Avoid Yelling or screaming
- Avoid talking off your voice or on glottal fry (like a Kardashian speaks)
Exercises - Increase
It is recommended that a Home Exercise Program be developed and learned in collaboration and with the support of a trained Speech Language Pathologist/Voice Specialist
Semi Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises (SOVTEs): Exercises that “help the vocal folds vibrate without excess tension by creating “back” pressure at the level of the glottis/vocal folds” (Ie: Straw Phonation, Bubble blowing, Lip Trills/Tongue Trills, etc.)
Resonant Voice Exercises (RVTs): Exercises that narrow the path in which the sound travels through the nasal passage with a goal to reduce effort from the throat (Ie: Humming)