What is Voice? And how is it created?
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Through your POWER, your SOURCE and your FILTER

  • POWER/Respiration/Breathing
    • Air Pressure System
      • Lungs, Diaphragm, abdominal muscles, windpipe
  • SOURCE/Phonation
    • Vibratory System
      • Vocal Folds, Larynx (“voice box”)
  • FILTER/Resonance
    • Resonating System - Lips, tongue, oral cavity, nasal cavity, throat

POWER - Breathing/Respiration

  • We produce speech during exhalation.
  • Speech breathing is different from quiet breathing.
    • When we talk, we take in more air
    • We take it in quicker and slowly control the outward airflow as we speak
    • 10% of breath cycle is inhale; 90% exhale

SOURCE - Vibratory System/Phonation

  • Air comes up from our lungs and passes between the two vocal folds
  • When the vocal folds approximate, or come close together, they vibrate
  • This produces sound

FILTER - Throat, Oral and Nasal Cavities/Resonance

  • The sound (voice) is then shaped into the speech we hear by size and shape of our oral cavity, nasal cavity and throat as well as by the precise movements of the tongue and lips
  • We should feel our voice in the front of our face (“mask”) , not in our throat